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Bella has a new set of challenges, unfortunately. Now that Paul is getting around so well, we have had to separate the two. It is no longer safe for Bella to be running around the house at her whim. She likes to run from the back door into the living room and circle to warm up. This is at a very high rate of speed. There is now a gate blocking her path. It is nice to see she has adapted to making a hairpin turn at the doorway to the front of the house. She makes that corner like a race car! She looks like a greyhound on a track. Her circles continue but they are behind the couch near the computer now so that Paul is safe from being trampled. I was just starting to relax a bit and let Bella come into the living room with the little man but the other day she was not so careful and almost stepped on him so she is barricaded to the other side of the gate again when he is playing on the floor. Poor Bella! I know everyone feels bad for the dog but I cannot allow her to trample the baby! It is funny how smart this dog is. When Daddy is not home, the better part of the time with his job, she does not complain whatsoever about being barred from the living room. When he is home, she carries on like a spoiled brat whining and fussing to get Daddy to let her come in. He does give in sometimes but I kick her right back out. At those times, a fight ensues between me and the dog. She seems to think she can pit me and my husband against each other. She expects him to fully take her side. She will bark at me, growl at me and expect a new outcome besides being barricaded from the living room.
She especially likes to pull her Diva act when the baby is falling asleep. If he is in my lap having a bottle half asleep, Bella will come up to the back of the couch and rest her head next to mine and woof quietly in my ear. That is her way of saying "Okay Mom, the little one is falling asleep so let me come in when you put him in the playpen. Don't forget about me Mom." The only problem with this conversation is that it wakes up Paul. Once he sees her, he decides to try and get to her. He loves to play with Bella. I allow them to hang out when he is having meals because he is in his highchair and she is next to him. No trampling possible. If he is in his saucer or playpen, she is allowed to come in too. When he is napping she is allowed in the living room also. When he is on the floor it is a "No Bella Zone".
Bella has decided it is her job to check on him when he is sleeping in his crib. She used to check on Brie in her room at night too. She will go into our room and try to lick Paul through the crib rails. When that does not work, she whines and tries to wake him up! I had to take her collar off when she is in the house because she will go shake in front of the crib knowing the jingle of her tags wakes him up every time. I do not need her deciding when the baby's nap is over or when it is time to wake up the entire house. I understand she loves Paul, as do the rest of us, but with her big clodhopper feet she could do some real damage. She is not aware of her size so she wants to play like a little dog would. I feel sorry for her sometimes but then something happens; I call them near misses and it makes me a vigilant parent again; overzealous some would say. She was on the couch the other night; I allowed her entry and Paul and I were on the floor playing. Bella decided to join in the fun. She put both big feet on the floor and I had to scoop the baby up as she went to smack me in the head as she does when she is playing. I moved him to shield him from her big feet as she dove right over us and spun around planting herself at my feet. She would have plowed right over him had I not thought quickly anticipating her next move.
She would never hurt the little one on purpose. I understand this but a tragedy could occur accidentally as much as intentionally. I love my dog, but again, have to protect the baby. I wish Bella understood her size is dangerous but I know that will never happen. The only thing I can do to keep everyone safe is to keep her separated from Paul while he is little. Once he is bigger, she can spend more time with him. I trust my dog immensely. I had reservations, but I see how much she loves him. She is a gentle giant but the giant part is what could get us in trouble. Bella will have to adjust to a baby as have the rest of us. I am still learning that things interest him that I would never have imagined; like the socket covers and my cellphone. Bella used to have a problem with me ignoring her when I was on my phone; even hid it from me outside one time but Paul wants to push all the buttons and look at the pictures. Between Brie, Bella and Paul I have to keep a really close watch on my phone...and the remote.
For now, Bella will have to admire from afar. She can be a protector, love bug and guide from a distance. There will come a time when I am sure Bella, Paul and Brie will sit on the floor together reading a book, having a snack and watching TV. The scenario now is for Bella to watch from the other side of the gate and give Paul a lick now and then to show him she loves him. He loves her too. It is hard when he stands at the gate and cries for her and she is on the other side whining at him. It is picture perfect and heartbreaking at the same time. They will have plenty of time to be buddies in the future. This mom feels bad but is sure I am doing the right thing. Bella and Paul would not agree.