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Deal of the Day

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Bella vs The Pink Pig Slippers

Most of my friends know that I am an animal lover.  In fact, for those who don't know I used to be the proud mommy of a pot belly pig named "Little Porker".  He was the best "dog" we ever had.  Considering Bella's notorious bad behavior, he still holds that title.  When I bought Little Porker he was only 15lbs.  By the time I was forced to adopt him out, he was 165 lbs and not  very comfortable in a two bedroom apartment.  I had major withdrawal symptoms after I had to give my baby away so I started collectiong pigs after he was gone.  I have stuffed animals, some kitchen gadgets including the cutest cannisters and some really adorable slippers. 

This is the problem.  Every time I wear my favorite piggy slippers Bella goes crazy.  I took a break from the Patriots/Ravens to give Matthew; my husband, some peace.  Bella has been barking nonstop since she spied the slippers on my feet.  She's been lunging, growling, barking and trying to steal the slippers from me.  I have two options, remove the slippers and put on socks as Matthew suggests or block the dog's view of the slippers so she doesn't notice them.  Only problem with that option is, she isn't really a dumb dog.  She knows the slippers are hiding under that blanket...The outcome will be determined by who is more stubborn:  Will I keep the slippers on and fight with the dog for the rest of the game or are me and the dog going to get thrown out of the living room by my hubby???   I'm betting on Matthew throwing us out of the living room...   GO PATRIOTS  All I know is I'm not taking off my slippers... :)

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