My Aspergers Child Headline Animator

Deal of the Day

Thursday, November 29, 2012



     It is bad enough trying to figure out what to get the kids for Christmas ensuring that their most important items end up under the tree.  It is even more difficult determining what to buy for a dog who chews up every bed she has had, destroys plush critters in a matter of minutes and excretes far too much saliva to have a good game of fetch with rubber balls unless you wear gloves to keep a good grip.  The only thing that seems to work for this dog is a tennis ball.  This may last a few weeks before she tears the fuzz off and tries to eat the rubber underneath.  I've given up on most tug toys because Bella works at the knot until she is able to shred the twine or cotton and then proceeds to eat it.
     I am a total sucker when it comes to this dog and it is pretty certain I'm going to try her with a new bed for Christmas.  We bought her the Kong bed which we were told was virtually indestructible by PetSmart...not so much.  I was still working at M&M when we got that one, and from my two minute morning commute to coming home for lunch about 4 1/2 hours later, there was only a bit of stuffing left that was not strewn about the house and the rubber bottom half looked like a school of piranha had fed on it.  We determined then, letting Bella sleep on the couch or in bed with us would be the best way to save money.  Her Kong bed ran us about $85.00 and lasted less than 24 hours.  I'd have been better off to take that money and buy Sean and Brie video games they do not need.  It would have actually been more practical. 
     Being such a push-over Mom that I am, I started researching better options for Bella in the bed category.  Short of purchasing her a twin size bed like Brianna's or a Tempur-Pedic of her own that may be comfy like ours so she won't decide to chew it all to hell, I found this really cool dog-house; tent-like contraption that I think may actually please the Queen of Danes.  I haven't been to a Sam's Club in quite a few years but I'm pretty sure ordering it online this time of year would probably be smarter anyway; what with all of the holiday shoppers.  The Cool Cot Dog House has gotten great reviews and I really think Bella may like it.  If I can talk the hubby into us putting out another C-note on this dog for inconsequential items it may keep her out of our bed.  That would actually be my selling point.  Poor Matthew...Bella does not sleep downstairs unless Mommy sleeps on the couch.  I do sleep on the couch a lot when Matthew is on the road.  I stay up pretty late and don't want to wake the kids going upstairs in the middle of the night.  Bella is a big clumsy dope when she runs up the stairs so sometimes she'll wake the kids and Brie is crabby enough in the morning without having her restful night interrupted too early by a dog.
     When Matthew is home, Bella refuses to sleep downstairs by herself.  She HAS TO sleep upstairs in bed with us or she will bark and whine until we let her come up. Spoiled does not begin to describe my dog.  Matthew has worked his way into bed with us without being attacked anymore.  Now she doesn't actually try biting him but lays right in the middle of us, on her own pillow to keep us separated.  If we move towards each other; whoever the offender is gets a big paw across the kisser.  She is very specific in keeping us on opposite sides of the bed.  This Cool Cot Dog House may just be what we need to keep her out of our room.
     It is supposed to be for outside use but I'm thinking about being creative.  We could set it up in the living room and let her have full run of the downstairs but get her used to nap time in her house instead of on the couch.  The trick is getting Matthew onboard with my idea.
     If any of you have had problems with a spoiled rotten dog who refuses to sleep on the floor or not in your bed, send me some feedback.  I'm willing to try just about anything to get her out of this habit.  I love her to pieces but she's taller than me so she's always kicking me or scratching my feet in her sleep, snores, hits me in my sleep causing me to wake up with bruises I didn't have when I went to bed, kicks me off the bed sometimes and adding insult to injury, drools on MY PILLOW - not her own.  This Cool Cot Dog House seems like a great solution.  It would actually be for me not the dog! 
I love my dog like one of my kids but I don't need her in my bed anymore!  It was cute when she was a puppy letting her sleep on the bed but now she's a hundred pounds and thinks she is the size of a poodle.  We will have to figure something out before she reaches full size or Matthew and I will have to take turns sleeping on the couch.  That is another thing.  If we don't go to bed at the same time, she goes to bed with whoever heads upstairs reserve her spot.