My Aspergers Child Headline Animator

Deal of the Day

Friday, May 23, 2014

Baby Here We Come!!!

It has been far too long since I posted anything about poor Miss Bella. I am sorry to all of her readers. We are a few days out from Baby George coming into this world. It has been quite an interesting ride with Lady Bella.  In my first Trimester she was super bitchy! She started to become more aggressive, more belligerent and less apt to listen to me. I was getting concerned due to not only her size, but her attitude. She already does not like other animals and strangers so how would she react to a new baby in her house??  My husband, brother-in-law and mother-in-law assured me it was just a phase; so to speak. The explanation I received is that she could sense a change in my hormone levels and she was confused so that is how she reacted.

It has been a very difficult pregnancy so having the stress of the angry dog on top of it was not going to be a good thing. Fortunately, as time has past, she has relaxed and gotten back to her mischievous, loving self! Unfortunately for her and everyone else around me - I HAVE NOT!  Being pregnant at 26 versus 43 is a whole different ball game. For one thing, I only gained 13 pounds with my Sean and a whopping 40 Plus with this little guy.  "Total Gym and daily walking here I come as soon as I am cleared for take off!"  I feel sorry for people who have chronic back pain because this is just horrendous! I don't know how people function.

I was going to a chiropractor for a few weeks but then it was too uncomfortable on the table and the baby doesn't like it. He starts kicking up a storm and it is too painful so I have been icing at home. Problem is Bella likes the ice packs and steals them from me. If I leave them on the counter for a second, I turn around and "POOF" where did it go??  I cannot exactly chase the dog so I wait until she is done tossing it around and licking it - luckily she hasn't popped one yet. I have the Gel kind so they are still useable when I get them away from her. Usually by the time I do, it has to go back into the refrigerator to get nice and cold again. It is my own fault because she loves ice cubes as a treat. Since these are as cold as an ice cube she thinks they are hers to take.

I have to give this dog a lot of credit because I have been as bitchy in my second and third trimesters as she was in my first trimester. Lord help everyone!  I had morning sickness almost from the pregnancy confirmation with the little white stick and right up until about 34 weeks. Thank goodness for Ondansetron! This helps to get rid of the nausea and morning sickness whether it is severe or mild. Mine was very severe and lasting all day. This was not available 17 years ago but that is how far medical science has come. Bella would lay outside the bathroom and whine for me to come out. She knew something was wrong but not sure how to react. What a good girl. But do you think I praised her at those times. NO! My reaction was "I cannot deal with a clingy damn dog right now!" LEAVE ME ALONE!!!  Poor baby. She has been by my side since she was a pup and now she has started to pull away a bit because I have not wanted her on top of me all day long. She has her own spot on the couch now and only comes to lay with me if I let her. I guess it is a good thing, but sometimes I feel like I have not been fair to her.

One thing I realized with this baby coming is my relationship with Bella is changing. She was my baby and now she is going to be a different priority level for a bit of time until we get acclimated to a newborn in the house. I also think about the other children. Sean is 17 so he understands that newborns and babies take up all of your time, but Brianna is only 7 and I want to make sure she does not feel left out or neglected; as Bella does sometimes.  My husband started telling Bella "Mommy doesn't love you anymore." This breaks my heart because I do love her but I need her to be better behaved with a baby around. In the first trimester, I was worried she could hurt the baby and be aggressive but that is not my fear anymore. I am afraid now, if she is too excited and trying to get to me, she could knock him over, step on him, nudge him too hard, etc. That is why I need to stay on her for following instructions. My husband just feels I'm being too hard on her.

I am torn: Do I let Bella be "Crazy Bella" or do I listen to my gut instinct as a mom and make sure she tows the line and understands her place? It is just like reteaching a belligerent or out of control child that there are consequences to their actions. I don't know what else to do.  I guess the best way to deal with it is to be consistent in my reactions to her behavior and consistent in her consequences to set a precedent of what is expected of my big girl.

I suppose I need some advice from moms of dogs and babies. How do I keep the balance of showing my dog she is number one still but she is not more important than the little one. How do I make sure our relationship is not changed forever and she feels like I don't love her anymore?  This is very important to me because I don't want her to resent the baby and do hope for him to have as special a relationship with his Big Blue Dane as the other kids do. She is a very integral special part of the family but does not always agree with following rules.

The Cat - now that is a whole other problem. I have told my husband she is not allowed in the Nursery whatsoever. We have put the Bassinet in our bedroom, and of course, the little guy will be in there for quite some time before being switched to his crib. Suzie, the Cat has decided sleeping in the Bassinet is her new spot. I THINK NOT!!  My plan is to ban the cat from the bedroom altogether when the baby is in his Bassinet. 1 -2 hour feedings will be the routine for the first couple weeks, I am sure and I don't want the cat anywhere near the baby.  Again, my husband thinks I am being cruel to the animal. How do I explain that this is an incredibly important aspect of keeping the little one safe. I am not saying my cat is mean. I am not saying my cat would intentionally smother the baby; but it has happened often enough where it is of major concern and my thoughts are: "Why not just be proactive and avoid the potential for disaster?" So again, to moms of kids and cats: How do I convince my husband I do not hate my cat but want to protect the baby??

I love my animals as anyone who reads this blog knows. Maybe I worry too much but how can I not? Advice and feedback would be so welcome right now. Monday morning, we are going to be induced so I would say by Wednesday we will be home starting life with a new little guy named Paul Matthew George! I want everyone to get along, I want as little stress as possible and I want my animals to adjust to the changes coming as much as the rest of the family.  Stay tuned...