My Aspergers Child Headline Animator

Deal of the Day

Monday, July 1, 2013


     This is one of those times when I really appreciate life and the gifts I have been given. My husband and I just made a trip to Chapel Hill, North Carolina for a very special appointment. 16 years ago I gave birth to the most amazing wonderful young man on the planet; our son Sean.  Then about two years ago we were blessed with the gift of Guardianship of our niece Brianna who is now our daughter in every way that matters to the heart. She is a gift from above and that spunky little free spirit makes it apparent why being a Mom is the greatest job you could have.  This little girl owns a place in my heart where no one could ever reach before; except for Sean. Even though I did not conceive, carry and give birth to Brie she is mine in every sense, and I could not be a more proud happy blessed woman to be raising this wonderful child who teaches me new things about life everyday.

     Which brings me to my latest post: As I mentioned, Matthew and I went to North Carolina to have an operation which will make it possible for us to grow our wonderful family even more; I had a tubal reversal!  Right now I am in full recovery mode. I had my surgery on Wednesday, June 26th at 9:30 am and from that moment forward we have a new view of our future. As excited as my husband I, and Sean are, Brianna is even more so. She is so excited to be a big sister some time in the future...sooner than later we are hoping - I am no spring chicken.  All went well and we can start working on our new addition in the next few weeks. Brianna is working on containing her excitement but today I witnessed just how excited she is about having a new baby someday.  She was sitting on the couch with her Bella. Notice I said, "her Bella"...Somehow since Brie has found comfort and security in her new life with us, Bella has become her dog and I am Bella's keeper. Bella  watches over this little girl without fail. She makes sure she is always in the same room with her. When Brie is watching TV, Bella is in her lap on the couch instead of mine, when she is playing on the floor; maybe a board game or playing cards with me; Bella is curled up behind her or laying next to her all sprawled out but is careful not to interfere in our play. She is a gentle soul with Brianna but only with Brie. I think she understands because Brie is so small, she has to tread with care. When Bella and I go to bed at night I check on Brie sleeping and Bella always has to come with me. If I put her in her pen before I go check on Brie, Bella will whine and carry on until I let her come along. It is her duty to make sure Brie is safe and sound in dreamland. 

     This afternoon Brie was telling Bella without realizing that I could hear her, how happy she was that she would be a big sister again. She has two younger siblings with her Dad and his wife; they are all beautiful little dolls. I think it is so adorable how there is one of each - the smallest is a cute little red head, the middle child is a little peanut with Snow White-worthy black silky hair and Brie is an adorable little Goldilocks curly blonde! The compliments Sean and Miranda must get when they go out as a family must be numerous.  Three smiling little cherubs. Bella loves to hang out with the girls when they come over to visit. But Brie is her kid!  This dog is in love with this child as much as I am.  It is the fire and spirit she gives off just walking in a room! Bella thrives on playing with Brianna because you never know what sort of mischief they are going to find.  I have come into the living room where I only left five minutes prior to find big forts with blankets and pillows where all I can see is little feet and a tail peaking out from under the camp and I can hear Brianna telling Bella "Pay attention, I am trying to read you a story that Mom read to me"  It is so heartwarming to see a little girl so in love with her dog!  What a beautiful relationship and bond they have.  They also wear capes and necklaces around the house at times. Bella is a great dress-up partner. She will even let Brie put socks on her paws - it is so cute!
     As terrible as Bella can be to Suzie our cat, is as wonderful as she is to Brie. It is a tradeoff I accept.  Bella is learning to leave the cat alone and I know there has been progress because as I type this Bella and Suzie are curled up together on the couch sleeping like angels. I am sure when Bella wakes up and realizes how close the cat is she will nudge her or smack her with a paw but it comforts me to see the cat is not at all afraid of our giant baby Bella.  She loves her as we do and just humors her by going along for the chase. 
     This afternoon Brianna was telling Bella about the future baby; God Willing of course. I am not taking for granted that it is not 100% guaranteed but if positive prayer and thought have anything to do with it we are heading in the right direction. Brie was telling Bella that she is helping me pick out names for the babies and that she hopes we have one of each; a boy and a girl at the same time. She told Bella that is what Dad wants; two at a time but he wants "four of them". Then she was telling her that is why we went and looked at new cars.  She talks to Bella as if she is talking to one of her little friends and it is really sweet how Bella appears to be listening. She looks at Brie while she is talking, she puts her head on her lap, looks up, puts her paw in her hand, etc. It is as if they are really communicating!  Brie also told Bella that they should tell me they want to go in the hot tub again.  A couple of weeks ago we had a heat wave and I let the girls go in the hot tub with cold water and no jets to cool off. Bella did not actually get in but she cooled herself off and helped herself to a few licks off the faucet.  Brianna had an absolute blast with her dog and we captured it all on video. Today Brie asked me if she and Bella could watch their video from the hot tub.  I said sure. So me and my girls sat on the couch and looked at how much fun we have when it is too hot to play outside. A child's giggle is the most amazing sound in the world and I can still remember that tinkling magical sound from Sean when he was small and used to love watching Blues Clues.  Brie has that very same giggle but it is usually brought on by her beloved companion!

     Sometimes I just close my eyes and wonder how my life turned out so perfect. I sure as hell am not perfect but I have given up on asking myself why and "How do I deserve all of this?" and I now say "Thank you". Then I look over and gaze on my beautiful baby Bella and baby Brianna and know all is right in this crazy world. Throw in my husband, our son, our family and friends and how could it get any better?? Only the pitter patter of one, two, three or four little sets of feet chasing after a Big Blue Dane and Fat Little Cat named Suzie with a big sister chasing behind saying "Be careful and slow down. There is no running in this house"...My little mini-me or I could say mini-mommy to be:) 

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