My Aspergers Child Headline Animator

Deal of the Day

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

That Time of the Month

     Well it has been awhile since Bella and I have had anything to report to her fans.  She made it through her first Heat without tearing anyone's throat out, she didn't ruin the furniture and she has stopped sounding like Chewbacca.  My pup is back to normal and actually seems to have mellowed out a bit; just a little bit mind you.  She is still very loving and affectionate, fiercely protective of me and Brianna when we go to the park, and still loves to get Glazed Munchkins at Dunkin Donuts every morning.  The only problem I've seen so far, is having been locked up for three weeks and not being able to go for her daily walk, has set us back a bit on loose leash walking.  I think it would be wise to invest in rollerblades to keep up with her now.  She has decided a steady trot while biting the leash and working on ripping it out of my hands is our new routine.  If I don't let go or pull on the choker in time, she is up on her hind legs wacking me in the face as a way of telling me she wants me to let go.  I'm hoping the scratches from last week don't scar.  It is quite comical to witness if you're not the one holding the leash.  Unfortunately, I'm always holding the damn leash!!

   After our first walk, we headed to Petco which was nearly disastrous.  I have now discovered after 4 or 5 trips that Bella no longer wishes to have her nails filed.  The poor girls at Petco have decided that my poor dog needs to be muzzled from now on because baring her teeth and snapping is rather intimidating for them and apparently does not fall under The Good Dog Code of Ethics.  I have a wooden spoon at home that I bring out when she gets out of hand, all I have to do is whack it on the counter and tell her to go in her pen and she goes.   I'm not so sure the girls would think it would be appropriate to use as a training tool.  I'm thinking Bella may take it away from them and spank one of them with it anyway.  She has tried taking it out of my hand more than once or if its left on the counter, I've caught her trying to commandeer it and get rid of it herself.

   It took two techs to hold her down to file her nails and when she saw me, she dragged one of them  across the room with a bunch of people staring in disbelief as the poor girl careened into the door.  I felt terrible but it was hilarious.  It looked like a cartoon with the poor girl flying through the air at the end of the leash.  I actually found a bumper sticker for our truck with this very same silhouette.  She was laughing so hard when we got the dog under control that I thought she may pee her pants.  Her comment was "I guess I should have let go of the leash".  I said, "Yup, that would have been my choice."  This is when they decided to tell me she had to be muzzled in the future.  I suspect this may have something to do with that incident. 
     I guess it is back to the drawing board.  Fortunately, we only have to go through one more Heat before Bella will be able to become a mom herself.  I think I will be better prepared second time around.  I'll have earplugs ready for the kids and myself, I'll have a muzzle at the ready when we go walking, and I'll make sure there are gates setup throughout the whole house so she cannot venture onto furniture at will when I'm not looking.  "Thank Goodness for Resolve!!!"  I hope Bella doesn't hold a grudge about being confined for three weeks because when she stands on her hind legs now she is a full head taller than me and has decided now that when she wants to sit on the couch where I am, she simply grabs a pantleg and pulls until I move out of her way.  I guess being female and having now gone through puberty she'll be more like a moody teenager than a cranky little kid.  Lord help us all; the attitude has grown and so has the dog!!  Check back soon.  Thanks for reading.  

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